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Subject: 6.39b
Replies: 13 Views: 1783

vengeful 1/9/2007 - 10:03:34
What u pPl think about the 2 new heroes?? *

nighter 1/10/2007 - 5:44:49
Hadn't chance to try em VS human players, but it seems that geomancer should be pretty d*mn good, and that troll, eh, he is 0 in 1 on 1 but hell, is best support player atm *

vengeful 1/11/2007 - 5:27:42
That Troll is weak, too weak. Mainly cos of his ulti. I really think its unfair that if 1 of those replicas die then he dies. I think a percentage of his life should go down instead. ppl wil just target the replicas and not the hero. The intel hero is so imba!!!! The armor recduction is greater thatn slardars!!! and the ulti is so kewl!! *

nighter 1/11/2007 - 12:48:04
Yah, its gay for geomancer, but meh. I also like 'new' gold gains and loose when hero is killed... *

vengeful 1/12/2007 - 5:53:44
But that hero does have some good points and if u r able to micro manage him wel, then you'll pretty much own any1!! cos like yr images could farm neutrals and u in the lane, that way u get loads of xp. and he can kill ppl too, nt just support. net send 1 image forward, then poof to that image, net again, then poof again. . And 80 slow i think, wen al r attacking. *

nighter 1/13/2007 - 8:53:55
Geomanser's imgs are good for farming, and one to always stay at base, so he can easily port to base, heal up, and port back quckly, something like furion *

psyder 1/14/2007 - 10:40:15
Geoguy is good, he can unleash (4x160) that is 640 area dmg over 2 sec. And even 1280 if you get into right position... *

vengeful 1/15/2007 - 4:23:32
Sadly, after 1st poof and the mass damage plus slow, u probably gonna kill the hero. . .before u poof again. *

nighter 1/15/2007 - 5:58:08
What was exploit with geomancer and roshan, mentioned in fixes in 6.40 chanelog? *

vengeful 1/16/2007 - 10:06:56
The Roshan thing i knw. . U c in 6.39b if u randomed Spirit Breaker, u could buy a flask, a chicken, and wards. . U make the chicken go to Roshan. . U then cast the flask on yr self and charge him. . Spirit Breaker disappears and u get to pick a new hero!! The hero u pick gets CHARGE of DARKNESS AURA!! Level 4!!! That wAS the bug in the code. They changed it now. *

vengeful 1/16/2007 - 10:10:19
OopS. . U place the ward by Roshan and then charge him. *

nighter 1/16/2007 - 10:45:01
Maybe, gotta try that x) they said geomancer nop spirit breaker tho *

vengeful 1/16/2007 - 8:00:51
Lol u gonna try n random Spirit Breaker, Lol, good luck wid dat. *

nighter 1/16/2007 - 9:51:21
Hey, thats why there're AI ones x) *

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